William Buus Spearheads Another Stellar Jury Trial Victory

An Orange County jury decided that Internet Brands – a large internet branding company – breached a contract it had with Greenlight Financial – a large mortgage finance company – and found that Internet Brands owed Greenlight Financial $750,000. The two companies had previously agreed that Internet Brands could use the trademarked name "Greenlight" only under certain limited conditions, but Greenlight Financial discovered that Internet Brands was using the name in other unauthorized ways, prompting the lawsuit for breach of contract and breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. "Internet Brands attempted to argue that the manner in which it used the trademarked 'Greenlight' name was consistent with the terms of the agreement," William Buus, lead trial lawyer explained. "But we argued, and the jury agreed, that Internet Brands’s use of the name was inconsistent with the terms of the agreement and that Internet Brands should pay money damages to Greenlight Financial." Afterward, the Judge ordered Internet Brands to pay Greenlight Financial’s attorney’s fees and costs, and denied Internet Brands's motions for new trial and judgment notwithstanding the verdict. Internet Brands is expected to appeal.
April, 2013 | Santa Ana, California